A great philosopher once wrote...
SF Baumberg 0-2 KFC Uerdingen
Bezirkssportanlage, Baumberg
Oberliga Niederrhein
Saturday 9th March 2013
Attendance: 640
I wasn’t going to bother with
football. Too cold, rainy. But then a man in a KFC Uerdingen scarf
walked past me on the train. My tinpot senses tingled. My tail
wagged. My eyes rotated furiously in my skull. KFC Uerdingen, former
Cup Winners Cup quarter finalists, nearby?
Maintaining a safe distance I followed
scarf man from the train, over the wind lashed bridge, splashing
through the rapidly expanding puddles, along the sodden/sodding dual
carriageway, pretending to do up my shoelaces when we reach traffic
lights, through the sedate housing estate and in to tinpot footballs
SF Baumberg.
Token match shot.
Uerdingen are pissing the league.
You probably read about it here already though didn’t you? 17
points clear at the top, with a tremendous stadium and by far the
biggest fanbase in the league. For small clubs like SF Baumberg it’s
a chance to make some mega euro bucks and entry is bumped up from 5
(five) to 9 (nine) Euros to take advantage of the huge number of,
tinpot comparatively speaking, Uerdingen fans. Some of whom were
being stalked by suspicious looking English man.
Uerdingen's big fanbase.
The body was found in an area of secluded woodland next to the football pitch.
There was no clubhouse. Just four
man grilling an unending supply of bratwurst and shoving them into
stale bread rolls for success starved Uerdingen fans. Old women sold
cakes from a garage, new barrels of beer were constantly required,
people wear comedy wigs, a spotty youth boomed out horrendous music
from some speakers in the back of a Luton van as, despite the heavy
rain, the early hours of the inevitable KFC Uerdingen promotion party
get underway.

Hello ladies, wanna come back to my truck to listen to some music?
The teams emerged and took the
famous walk to the pitch which every young German fussball fan dreams
of. From the dressing rooms, past the bratwurst stands, down a grass
bank (where already hammered fans seek high-fives), under the police
crime scene tape, across the ash, around the long jump pit and
finally onto the famous Astroturf (I’ve never smoked Astroturf) of
the Bezirkssportsanlage Baumberg.
Token players walking out shot.
Now obligatory shot of ultras.
At kick off it was lashing down and
not an inch of roof in sight. The dugouts were two small marquees.
Uerdingen fans gathered around their flag waving ultras. Baumberg
fans gathered under a large golf umbrella. Uerdingen had little
trouble in the first half. Why would they? They’ve played ten away
games this season and one all ten. Previous recipient of a unfunny, laboured AiT gag Issa Issa scored a penalty after 33 minutes, his 23rd goal of
the season. The disco van, which was by now parked with the engine
running, a cork in the exhaust and a hosepipe directly into my mind
decided this would be a fitting tune to repeat for the rest of the
match. “His friends call him Issa and he is the main geezer, and
he'll vibe up the place like no other man could, he's refined,
sublime, he makes you feel fine, though very much maligned and
misunderstood, but if you know Issa he's a real crowd pleaser, he's
ever so good, he's Issa Issa, he’s good.
Issa Good, Issa Good. He’s Issa
Issa He’s good.
Issa Good, Issa Good. He’s Issa
Issa He’s good.
Issa Good, Issa Good. He’s Issa
Issa He’s good.
Issa Good, Issa Good. He’s Issa
Issa He’s good.
Issa Good, Issa Good. He’s Issa
Issa He’s good.

Has anyone got any Vera's ?
Having reversed the van out my head
I left it to the pro, well rank amateur, to go back to playing the
tunes, this time audibly, from the back of the van at half time
Uerdingen fans gather around. You can sense a presence in the sound
of the crowd. He gets them all at it - the party starts rocking - the
people get excited. It's time to shout LOUD! UERDINGEN, UERDINGEN,
KFC UERDINGEN. Ultras danced like maniacs. Around a van with speakers
in it. In the pissing rain. At a 5th division football match.
Roaringly drunk men, who’d barely strayed a glow stick away from
the beer stand all match, joined in, everyone gathered round to
laugh, the party ignites like it's comin' alive and this turns into
the best half time in the history of intervals. Wicked! The
atmosphere takes you to the top, shakes you all around, then back
down. The comedown. The Ultras freeze and gather into a huddle.....
And then break into “I Just Called To Say I Love You” by Stevie
Wonder. Beautiful.
Aint no party like an Uerdingen party.

For the second half Uerdingen were
in complete control, playing the ball backwards and then forwards,
forwards and then backwards, Issa Issa is the geezer who loves to
muscle in. It’s his corner that leads to non easily crowbared into
a 90’s music lyric’s Monir Ibrahim heading in the second goal.
Another easy three points for
Uerdingen, a bumper pay day for Baumberg and it’s all back to the
van! WICKED!
Got any Salmon?
Sure you've never smoked AstroTurf?